Master Photographer Lennart Nilsson Dead

A 14 weeks old baby. Credits: A Child is Born by Lennart Nilsson.

He became world famous with his pictures of the book “A Child is Born” which was released in 1965.

The book A Child is Born gave the world a whole new insight into the process from when an egg is fertilized until a child is developed. It took Nilsson a full twelve years to work on the images used for the book that was released for the first time in 1965.

As a pioneer of scientific photography, Lennart Nilsson worked tirelessly throughout his career, with a large number of prizes and books as a result. He was an accomplished artist and inspirational individual. He had an amazing career that has spanned decades.

Lennart Nilsson must have passed away on Saturday morning in the presence of his family at the age of 94.

In addition to his cutting-edge science, Lennart Nilsson was also a Court Photographer for the Royal Family of Sweden. He has documented the Royal Swedish Court since the 1940s. Among other things, Lennart Nilsson took the official wedding picture of King Carl XVI Gustaf and Queen Silvia.


We believe that Nilsson’s photos of unborn babies were a milestone in the way we look at human life. The pro-choice movement cannot seriously look at these pictures and still claim that the lives of unborn babies are debatable.

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