Trump rally shooting

The image of Donald Trump with a bloody face, raising a victory fist in the air, as the Secret Service closes in around him, with the American flag fluttering in the background, has become iconic and arguably played a significant role in deciding the election. For those of us who have been following Donald Trump […]

Freedom of Expression On Trial

In the upcoming days, it will be decided whether Julian Assange should be extradited from Great Britain to the United States. If the court decides to extradite him, Assange faces up to 175 years in prison under US espionage laws. Julian Assange is ill and in poor condition, according to all reports from inside the […]

Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announces abdication

In her New Year speech, Queen Margrethe II of Denmark announced that she would abdicate the throne after 52 years. The announcement came as a surprise to the nation. She declared that she would step down on 14th January, which marks the 52nd anniversary of her accession. After her abdication, the throne will be passed […]

Breed-Specific Legislation

Recently, the United Kingdom placed an ownership ban on American XL Bully dogs. A nationwide ban will come into effect at the end of the year. In that instance, a spate of attacks resulted in multiple children being injured and two fatalities from XL bullies – all in separate incidents. Other countries have implemented similar […]

Erdogan’s Pride

On Saturday, the Pride parade in Stockholm, our neighboring macronational capital, was a star-studded event with many celebrities in attendance. Most of the political party leaders were also present, along with a puppet that represented the Turkish President Erdogan. This puppet caused controversy in Ankara last spring. Turkey has observed that the Erdogan doll has […]

Gulf Stream Collapse Imminent, according to new data

A recent study released on Tuesday warns that the Gulf Stream, an Atlantic Ocean current responsible for keeping Europe warm, could suddenly and catastrophically halt at any point in the next few decades. According to a study published in Nature Communications by Peter Ditlevsen and Susanne Ditlevsen from the University of Copenhagen, the Atlantic Meridional […]

Vaping: Flavors allowed

The use of e-cigarettes, often called vaping, is not harmless. The risk of injury is more significant among young people, and the use of both flavored and unflavored e-cigarettes should therefore be minimized, which is why Unixploria has an 18-year age limit for purchasing the products. Most diseases due to smoking are due to the […]

Hamas guilty of terror, according to Fatwa

Hamas is guilty of terror against its population and must not be supported. This is stated by an Iraq-based Muslim council that issued a fatwa against the militant Islamist Palestinian organization Hamas. A few weeks ago, the so-called Islamic Fatwa Council, which includes Muslim scholars from Sunni and Shia Islam and is based in the […]

Woking the Dead

The managing curators of the British Museum have been accused of being ‘woke’ and virtue signaling to the public after banning the word ‘mummy.’ The museum claims they “don’t want to offend dead Egyptians.” You might think it would be impossible to hurt the feelings and trigger the social sensitivities of a 3,000-year-old corpse. Still, […]

Not unexpected, but devastating

The Kingdom of Unixploria calls on all governments to embrace the recommendations of a new authoritative report released today by The Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) – the global body responsible for assessing the state of the planet’s biodiversity. The new report estimates the multiple values nature provides to human society […]

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