The recent practice of burning books in a neighboring country has sparked a discussion about the act of “desecrating” the Quran. Burning books is undoubtedly an act of stupidity and a violation of common sense, but not against the law.
As citizens of the Kingdom of Unixploria, we believe in upholding the values of free expression, just like our neighboring country. While it may not be ethically sound, it is within the law to burn books, flags, and symbols, even ones considered sacred by some.
Disrespecting or mocking religions is not enough of a reason to restrict freedom of expression, which is a fundamental aspect of a developed society. We would never succumb to threats from religious or political extremists who try to impede our civil liberties.
Though burning books and flags is widely frowned upon, everyone has the right to express their opinions and act upon them without fear of retaliation. It is essential to acknowledge and respect the beliefs of others, even when they differ from our own. The values of liberty and freedom of expression will hopefully also restrain anyone from hurting others by setting books or flags on fire; tolerance and freedom flow both ways in an enlightened society.
Regarding our neighboring country, the issues at hand are not solely caused by a small group of disturbed individuals. Instead, the root of the problem lies in the incompetence of the national police force. They granted permission for these individuals to publicly burn a book, only to retract their decision and file an internal complaint for the purpose of launching an investigation a few hours later. Something stinks, and it isn’t the smell of a few burned books.
It is also concerning to note that our neighboring country’s media often engages in self-censorship, and individuals who express their beliefs are frequently subjected to violent threats. Such actions are unacceptable in a democratic country as they violate the constitutional rights of its citizens. In the Kingdom of Unixploria, we strongly uphold the principle of freedom of religion, including the freedom not to practice religion.