Erasing the Past?

We rarely comment on macro national affairs, but the recent incidents in Charlottesville, USA, have forced us to speak out. This is not only an American affair; it is an affair of political correctness stretching all across the Western world. First of all, let us say that no one in their right state of mind […]

Political Correctness?

You have the right to speak your mind, and so do others. Looking beyond the great Kingdom of Unixploria, the problem is that a minority in the Western world seem to think that they’re not allowed to speak their minds without being silenced by an elite. I would like to know what those people cannot […]

What is Racism?

WHAT IS RACISM? A racist worldview assumes that human beings can be divided into different races. It is based on an idea that people’s appearance, skin color, and other physical differences, would decide how talented we are and how we behave. Based on such alleged links between the presence and racial characteristics, scientists used to […]

Lock Up Criminals – Not Fireworks

The government in our neighboring country, Sweden, has once again shown its incapability to handle the increasing criminality in its suburbs. After several incidents on New Year’s Eve, involving fireworks, the interior minister of Sweden is now considering a ban on the sale of rocket style fireworks. The proposal follows the criminal acts perpetrated during New […]

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