Science Fiction: An Overview

Visions and images of the future surround us to an increasing degree. Science fiction has become a common feature in popular culture, such as TV series, movies, video games, comic books, and advertising. But what makes Science Fiction a genre of its own? What is Science Fiction? The science fiction genre is more complex than […]

Lucia – White Gowns and Candles

The annual candlelit Lucia procession on 13 December is perhaps one of the more exotic-looking customs in our kingdom, with girls and boys clad in full-length white gowns singing songs together. The real candles are sometimes replaced with battery-powered ones, but there is still a unique atmosphere when the lights are dimmed, and the sound […]

UMA 2020

Another year has passed, but the Unixplorian Movie Awards’ usual festivities were not as glittery as expected due to the ongoing pandemic. Rather than announcing the winners before an audience, this year’s event was more formal. The winners were announced on UMA’s official website, and we’re happy to say that the list was as good […]

An Excursion to the City of Kalmar

History A harbor lay along an old trading route, where the seed grew to the city of Kalmar. The name Kalmar may be mentioned for the first time in the 9th century when a runestone in Sörmland tells the story of a man in the “Kalmarna und um” (“Kalmar Straight”). Kalmar, whose inlet is surrounded […]

A Digital Addiction We Need to Replace

The use of screens affects all ages. In our home, there are as many smartphones as residents in the household. Adding the iPads and computers in our house, and it’s probably just the pets that do not stare into the ever-rewarding light at least once in half-an-hour while we think we share the experience of […]

Mikronationer – på besök i hemgjorda nationer by Johan Joelsson and Jonatan Jacobson

“Micronations – Visiting Homemade Nations” This book has not yet been translated into English, but since the topic is of interest to all micronationalists, a short review may be of use to the community. The book is beautifully bound, and the layout is also pleasing with two-column pages on quality paper. The preface is somewhat […]

The Dystopian Future of The Handmaid’s Tale

The Handmaid’s Tale, now streaming on HBO, is very political. Even more so today considering the state of the world. The story is set in America about a hundred years into the future and begins with a staged attack that kills the President and most of Congress. A Christian fundamentalist movement calling itself the Sons […]

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